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We’ve partnered with Boisson, the brand that brings together a world of nonalcoholic products, to GIVEAWAY $478 of products!

Stock your bar with all the glassware you need to entertain, a sober-curious kit to start the party, and a $100 gift card to replenish your supplies.

The Stock the Bar Bundle

4 Leeway glasses, 4 wine glasses, 4 flutes, 4 coupes, 4 tall glasses

Sober Curious Bar Non-Alcoholic Starter Bundle

+$100 gift card

New to the world of non-alcoholic sips and mixology?

Boisson brought together a carefully curated non-alcoholic bundle to start your summer off right. Gin and bourbon alternatives, mixers, and bitters plus glasses from Leeway for every cocktail you can dream up will make you the host of the season.

All the glasses your bar could need

The Leeway Stock the Bar Bundle covers five different glass styles for every cocktail or mocktail you want to make. Plus, they're dishwasher safe, so hosting clean up is easier than ever. Cheers to that!

Here's how to enter
the Summer